About Me
I grew up on a dairy farm in Scott County, MN with seven siblings. I have a bachelor’s degree in marketing from Mankato State University and spent eight years as a sales representative for an agriculture products company in southwest Minnesota. In 1992, my wife, Betty, and I moved to Otter Tail County to start a dairy supply sales business. We sold our business after 26 years of serving our area dairy farmers.
Currently, we own and operate MinStart Ag Products, focused on bringing new technologies and products to area retailers and growers. I am a township supervisor for Maine Township. I sit on the Board of Directors for Park Region Telephone Company. We are active members at St. James Catholic Church in Maine, MN.
Betty and I have lived at our same rural residence in Maine Township since coming to the area and enjoy all the amenities Otter Tail County has to offer. We have five grown children and have been happily married for 33 years!